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  • Writer's pictureGenny Walsh


This birth story is unlike any other birth story and before I can actually share my birth story I have to tell my pregnancy story from 30 weeks. So, for any moms going through Gestational Diabetes this is definitely a must read. At 30 weeks I took my glucose test and failed, then I was told I had to retest. Then, again I failed. I ended being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes which I thought was gonna be the end to me. It was the hardest thing I have ever been told. I couldn't make sense of what was happening and why everyone around me never got diagnosed with GD and I was. I was very active before my pregnancy, physically fit, I eat healthy, and I did everything I was suppose to. During my pregnancy however, I got laxed. I started to eat what I wanted and wasn't working out much if at all. I thought maybe it was my fault because I didn't do what I was doing and I was trying to be like my other pregnant friends. But, after seeking support and talking to my doctor I realized it wasn't my fault. It was that my baby was just too big which made sense because Kaleb is bigger than me. So, my tiny body couldn't handle the big baby inside of me so therefore, the placenta was cutting off my pancreas from working to its best ability.

After being diagnosed with GD I tried to control it with diet and exercise. I also had to start going to my high risk doctor and GYN once a week to monitor me. My GYN would do a 20 minute stress test and my high risk doctor would do an ultrasound. They were making sure the baby was growing not too fast and watching to make sure the umbilical cord wasn't wrapping around his neck. However, with diet and exercise we were not able to control Liam's growth and we weren't able to control my sugars. So, I had to start doing insulin before bedtime. Throughout the rest of my pregnancy we had to continue to go up on insulin. Then, at my 35 week GYN appointment I was doing my stress test and Liam and I started going into destress. We had to go to the hospital for a possible delivery. (The GYN said if we had to deliver we would be fine because Liam was already over 7lbs). We went to the hospital and everything ended up stabilizing and we were able to go home.

Then, week 38 GYN visit we were doing stress test and again Liam was showing signs of destress. So the GYN decided Liam was over 8 lbs and we were gonna induce this day. So, Kaleb and I went home got our bags and went to the hospital for early delivery.

We got to the hospital checked in and everything began. If you don't want to know the explicit details stop reading.

The nurse came in had me change and started my IV and the doctor order cervidil which is like a string they have to place on your cervix to break your water and start the process. However, my cervix was not dropping. I was not even a cm dilated. So when I felt like these nurses where trying to rip me open they were. They kept saying I am sorry I kept screaming and Kaleb tried to look away the whole time. After 11 hours of cervidil nothing really changing except for back contractions they had to take it out. OUCHHHHH!!! They let me take a shower before the next step. I took the best and fastest shower. Then, they put me on a Pitocin drip. I was able to sleep through the night while they continue to increase the amount. After, the Pitocin and constant checks on my cervix nothing changing the doctor came in which was about 30 hours in labor. The doctor said Ms. Walsh, "This is a big baby. Nothing is changing. Your body is not opening up. You're not dilating. You're water isn't breaking. Start thinking about a c-section." I cried and did not want to think about it. I tried to will my body to push him out. I prayed. I asked my friends on instagram for help. Then, finally my water broke!!!

I was so happy I was like Kaleb I am gonna be able to do this! I am gonna have a vaginal birth. I am gonna be able to experience this. Then, the contractions got worse. I asked the nurse for an epidural. The doctor then came in to check me again......

The doctor checked me, and again OUCHHHHH!!! He said, "Ms. Walsh. I hate to tell you this you are not processing. We need to do a c-section. This is what I would do my for wife. I know this is a big baby. Now this is becoming a risk for you and the baby. Think about this and let me know." Kaleb and I talked about it and decided to continue with labor. Then, after talking a little longer. I said Kaleb I can't think logically can you make this call. So Kaleb called the doctor back in. Told us all of his worries and the risks of not doing a c-section now. So after all of this we decided on a c-section. We had people in front of us. So, I had to wait 2 more hours with contractions for epidural.

I kept trying and praying that things would change during this time. Nothing did.

So then, we went to the OR. If you think things can't get worse they did. Mind you I have really bad anxiety.

They bring me by myself into the OR make me get on a big silver OR table which is freezing. And they make my sit on the edge of it. The anesthesiologists comes in and says did doctor Elias want to rush this process so that's why you are doing a section. I am freaking out and say nothing. The nurse gets in front of me tells me not to move. I am freaking out. They tell me to hunch over on the side of this table holding onto my legs where I feel like I am gonna fall off this table. The anesthesiologists then injects my back with Lidocaine. I jump and the nurse says you can't do that. I start to cry. The anesthesiologists then says, "do that again and you will be paralyzed." I cry more. I keep saying I am a new mom and I am scared. Then he injects my back again with the spinal block. I grab the nurse in front of me and squeeze. The nurse says ma'am you cannot do that. I am thinking it was that or I come off this table.

I then began to panic. They lay me down and start preparing me. I keep yelling I feel that because I was panicking. So they keep feeding me medication and lowering my head. The doctors then begin. And literally I felt the pressure of everything!! Which made me panic more! I keep yelling I feel it I feel it. Then, the doctor starts to talk to me and say ma'am we haven't done anything. While they already cut me open and was clamping away.

At this point, they bring Kaleb in. I keep repeating I LOVE YOU over and over and over again until Liam was out. I thought I was gonna die. Liam then got stuck in me and wouldn't come out Kaleb watched then yank him out. He seem me completely open on the table. The doctor kept saying this is a big baby. Then, I heard him and they showed me him.

I cried my eyes out. Kaleb was given Liam and he came by me. I fell in love. They closed me up and brought us to recovery.

We then had medicine given to us and did all the things.

They then brought us to our new room. We got to press the button saying our baby was born.

We had the best nurses in the hospital. The best hospital experience at this point. We literally did not put the tv on the whole time. We hung out. We had great conversation. And lastly we learned so much. The best experience and best staff minus the anesthesiologists.


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