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  • Writer's pictureGenny Walsh

Women Lift

Most women in today's society are afraid of getting under a barbell and lifting weights freely. They are afraid of "looking manly", being "too strong", and lastly they are afraid of putting on weight. I am here to tell you not to be afraid of the bar. The bar should be there to give you confidence, to give you strength, to give you power.

When I first started my fitness journey about 2 years ago, I was terrified of lifting weights and getting under a barbell. Instead, I stuck to the machines, did ab workouts, and stayed on the treadmill. Eventually, I hit a plateau where I could not get over the hump no matter how hard I tried. Until, one day Kaleb came up to me and told me he would help me. He would be there to spot me to give me the confidence to believe in myself. And you know what! I lifted the damn weight. Not only did I lift the weight I continued to put numbers on the board. While doing that I continued to notice a difference in my body. Yes, I did not always see the scale moving... But, you do not need to see the scale moving! SCREW THE SCALE! Muscle weighs heavier than fat! All you need to do is lift, do cardio, and eat properly.

When I say eat properly I mean DO NOT STARVE yourself! Do not cut out every carb out of your life. I mean eat healthy, take in small portions and small portions of carbs because you need it when lifting because it is going to give you energy to lift weights and lift even heavier.

Ultimately, you need to believe in yourself! If you have a workout partner have them spot you and be there if you need help getting the weight up. Also, gradly go up on the weight maybe by 2 1/2 lbs or 5 lbs. whatever is comfortable to you. You need to also respect the weight just because you hit a PR today and feel you can do more do not overexert your body because you can really hurt yourself. People make the mistake day in and day out of not respecting the weight or lifting properly and hurt themselves. Don't be that person. Learn. Learn. Learn.

You got this! Love yourself! Believe in yourself! DO NOT HOLD YOURSELF BACK FROM BEING GREAT!

Men do not have to be the only people out there that is strong!

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